Annual Reports will be mailed
to all members in May.

Thank you to everyone who attended our Annual Meeting in Dickinson June 7, 2023. $20 energy credits were awarded to all registered members attending the meeting. Also the following prizes were drawn in a raffle from the attending membership. 15 - $50 energy credits, 2 - $200 energy credits, 1-$100 energy credits, a pair of Medora - Pitchfork Fondue tickets, 4 - $50 gift cards, 50ft extension cord, Car Starter and 2 fluffy cows. Four $500 Luck of the Draw Scholarships were drawn from high school seniors attending the meeting with one parent or guardian. Three incumbent board members Arnold Kainz -West District, Greg Steckler - Central District and Dan Price - East District were reelected to 3 year terms. 

Annual Meeting Video 2023