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Scholarship Opportunities 2025
Roughrider Electric $500 scholarships for students
attending high schools within the service area
We will award nine $500 scholarships. Each school in our service area chooses one recipient. School representatives from Belfield, Beulah, Center, Dickinson High, Dickinson Trinity, Hazen, Richardton-Taylor, Dickinson Hope Christian Academy and South Heart choose a graduating senior to receive the funds. The dependents’ parents must be members of Roughrider Electric.
Interested in applying?
Students should contact their school counselor for deadline information. The schools will then forward each recipient’s name to Roughrider Electric. Schools must have their recipients names forwarded to Roughrider Electric by February 1, 2025.
Roughrider Electric $500 scholarship for a student
attending high school outside the service area
Roughrider Electric will also award one $500 scholarship to a graduating senior who attends high school outside the Roughrider Electric service area, but whose parents are members of Roughrider Electric. For example, these schools include: Beach, Killdeer, New England, New Salem, Mandan and home-schooled students.
Applications for this scholarship must be received before the deadline indicated on the application form. Awards are based on academic excellence, which includes the following criteria: SAT/ACT scores, grade-point average, work experience, participation in school and community activities, a statement by the student explaining his/her educational and career goals, and a written recommendation by a third party.
A Roughrider Electric selection committee will screen applications. The decision of the committee is final. Applications for this scholarship must be received on or before the deadline indicated on the application form.
Scholarship application for students outside the service territory
Basin Electric $1,000 scholarship
Roughrider Electric is offering one $1,000 scholarship sponsored by Basin Electric Power Cooperative.
The scholarship will be awarded to a member, or a dependent of a member, who is enrolled or planning to enroll in a full-time graduate or undergraduate course of study at an accredited, two-year or four-year college, university or vocational/technical school. The applicant or the dependent's parents must be members of Roughrider Electric.
Awards are based on academic excellence, which includes the following criteria: SAT/ACT scores, grade-point average, work experience, participation in school and community activities, a statement by the student explaining his/her educational and career goals, and a written recommendation by a third party.
A Roughrider Electric selection committee will screen applications. The decision of the committee is final. Applications for this scholarship must be received on or before the deadline indicated on the application form.
Roughrider Electric/3C Construction $500 Lineworker scholarship
Roughrider Electric is offering one $500 scholarship sponsored by 3C Construction, LLC. Owned in part by Roughrider Electric, 3C Construction employs linemen who travel, plowing cable and assisting with projects as needed.
The scholarship will be awarded to a high school senior enrolled in or planning to enroll in a certified vocational or technical school pursuing a career as a lineworker. The applicant or the dependent’s parents must be members of Roughrider Electric. Awards are based on academic excellence, which includes the following criteria: SAT/ACT scores, grade-point average, work experience, participation in school and community activities, a statement by the student explaining his/her educational and career goals, and a written recommendation by a third party.
A Roughrider Electric selection committee will screen applications. The decision of the committee is final. Applications for this scholarship must be received on or before the deadline indicated on the application form.
Roughrider Electric/WDUS $500 Mechanic scholarship
Roughrider Electric is offering one $500 scholarship sponsored by West Dakota Utility Services, LLC. Owned in part by Roughrider Electric, WDUS services utility vehicles, farm trucks and machinery, and equipment that needs hydraulic repairs or N.D. Department of Transportation certification.
The scholarship will be awarded to a high school senior enrolled in or planning to enroll in a certified vocational or technical school pursuing a career as a mechanic. The applicant or the dependent’s parents must be members of Roughrider Electric. Awards are based on academic excellence, which includes the following criteria: SAT/ACT scores, grade-point average, work experience, participation in school and community activities, a statement by the student explaining his/her educational and career goals, and a written recommendation by a third party.
Roughrider Electric $500 Luck of the Draw Scholarships
Roughrider Electric will award three $500 Luck of the Draw Scholarships to be drawn at our annual meeting in June. All high school seniors who have parents that are members of Roughrider Electric are eligible for this scholarship. Students must attend our annual meeting with at least one parent, and will be required to RSVP for the meeting. Please fill out the RSVP form and send to Roughrider Electric by the deadline date shown on the form.