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EV Information

Electric vehicles (EVs) are a “hot item” in the auto world, with many auto manufacturers offering at least one model. Improved versions are on the near horizon, too, for good reason. Electric vehicles provide environmental advantages and, even though they may carry a higher price tag initially, tax credits and lower operating costs often balance out the initial investment.
- Overview of Electric Vehicles (EVs) (English) (Spanish)
- Is an Electric Vehicle Right for You? (English) (Spanish)
- Nuts and Bolts of Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs) (English) (Spanish)
- Nuts and Bolts of Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs) (English) (Spanish)
- The Electric Vehicle Evolution (English) (Spanish)
- Possibilities of Bidirectional EV Charging (English) (Spanish)
- A Quick Guide to EV Workplace Charging (English) (Spanish)
- How Long Will an Electric Battery Last (English) (Spanish)
- Electric-Vehicle Ready Homes (English) (Spanish)
- Overview of Charging Stations (English) (Spanish)
- A Guide to Multifamily Plug-in Electric Vehicle Charging (English) (Spanish)
- Electric Buses and Public Transportation (English) (Spanish)
- Electric Fleet Vehicles (English) (Spanish)
- Electric Lawn & Farm Equipment (English) (Spanish)
- Electric Vehicles Basics (English) (Spanish)
- Range Anxiety & Fuel Comparison (English) (Spanish)
- Electric Vehicle Mythbusters (English) (Spanish)